Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Adding Weight After Hospital

Adding Weight After Hospital
Doc, I'm age 23. Previously I had been sick a long time, and it keeps my weight dropped dramatically, from 55 kg to 42 kg. Really sad. I had been taking appetite enhancer and run your diet for weight gain. But so far (after 2 months) only increased by 1 kg, Doc. Ask the nice menu tips ya Doc, let my weight rapidly rising. Oh yes, is it true that stress can hamper the process of weight gain? I am also allergic every meal of eggs. How to eliminate allergens how ya, Doc? Are there natural food ingredients? thanks.
(Joi, 23)
Dear Joi, a sick old man otherwise strong nutritional support will of course weight loss is quite large, as experienced by Joi.Saat pain, especially long illness, the body has increased catabolism (demolition nutrients) so reserve nutrients that exist will be used in the process. When recovering from an illness, nutrition is very important note to replace all cell damage sustained during illness, and of course for the process required additional nutrients banyak.Untuk enough to know exactly how the necessary requirements Joi, I need the data of height and activity and health examination data are available. As approximate age Joi can be started the diet in 1600 kcal of the composition as follows: * Breakfast: Kwetiaw boiled 100 gr + peeled shrimp 20 gr + chicken 30 gr + cabbage sliced ​​20 gr + carrots 30 gr * Snack morning: Cake tray 1 piece * lunch: rice 100 gr + steak meat 50 gr + dumplings out 60 gr + soup kimlo 100 gr * Snack afternoon: Porridge green beans 1 cup * Dinner: rice 100 gr + spiced chicken 50 gr + oseng tempe shrimp 50 gr + soup macaroni vegetable 100 gr * the evening snack: milk full cream 1 gelasStres both physically and emotionally able to affect the efforts to increase the weight. When stressed, the body will react by increasing blood pressure, frequency of breathing, heart rate, and muscle stiffness, with the effect of making the body becomes tired, sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, and also changes in appetite makan.Cara eliminate allergens course to avoid ingredients that cause allergies or do a little introduction to the ingredients that cause allergies (usually performed by a physician). So there is no natural food ingredients that can treat allergic to eggs. If Joi egg allergy can use other protein ingredients such as fish, seafood, meat, tofu, tempeh, beans, and others.

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Monday, November 7, 2016

Reduce Rice Best Way Lose Weight?

Reduce Rice Best Way Lose Weight?
avoid rice diet is one way to lose weight is considered effective. In fact, carbohydrate intake is very important for tubuh.Kandungan carbohydrates in rice is likely to be high. Plus, rice as the main carbohydrate source Indonesian people are often consumed in excessive amounts. "" The consumption of carbohydrates is one of the causes of obesity, because in the body of excess sugar is stored as fat, "" said Seala Septiani, nutritionists, in the event media briefing titled "" Prevent diabetes with diet carbohydrates "" held by Soyjoy in Jakarta (29/08/16) .He explained, in people with normal weight calorie needs about 2000 calories per day needs about 300 grams of carbohydrates. While the people who are overweight, calories per day should be limited to about 1500 calories and carbohydrates of no more than 180 grams. "" As an illustration, in a small bowl of rice a 200 gram contained approximately 80 grams of carbohydrates. If the coffè carbohydrate is about 100 grams. That's just one meal, "" katanya.Seala added, often people are not aware of their carbohydrate intake. "" Eat a lot of rice, the meat also contain flour, then drinking sweet iced tea. All are carbohydrate, "" says nutritionist who do a lot of research about obesity ini.Dengan these habits, of excessive calorie intake would of necessity. If not balanced with physical activity is high, do not be surprised if eventually low in carbohydrates is proven to be more effective in reducing weight than the low-fat diet. Even so, it must be remembered that the low-carb diet does not mean do not eat carbs at sekali.Kunci lose weight, according to Seala, not avoiding carbohydrates, but choosing the right type of carbohydrates. "" Choose carbohydrates that are high in fiber, such as oats, wheat bread, soya beans and nuts, vegetables, and fruit. Tubers also quite high fiber content, "" paparnya.Bila we actually have to eat rice, you should reduce the portions or replace white rice into red rice. "" There are also those who fear that portion of rice was reduced later starved or not thinking. Siasati by eating high-fiber snack about two hours before a meal, "" the right advice Seala.Konsumsi snack can keep blood sugar levels stable and your appetite is not excessive when eating carbohydrates at mealtimes great.
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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Anggur, Buah Si Penurun Tensi

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Anggur, Buah Si Penurun Tensi

JAKARTA, Buah anggur yang telah popular di orang-orang Indonesia berikan faedah untuk beberapa pasien hipertensi. Lantaran didalam buah anggur ada kalium yang bisa menghimpit natrium (garam) berlebihan. Karenanya pasien hipertensi mesti banyak konsumsi kalium, kata Pakar Kesehatan Gizi Orang-orang Institut Pertanian Bogor (IPB) Prof. Dr. Ir. Ali Khomsan dalam jumpa pers di Jakarta, Rabu (1/7). Selanjutnya Ali menyampaikan kalau kalium berperan untuk buang kalium yang berlebihan pada badan. hipertensi itu umumnya natrium. Waktu kita kencing berlangsung pembuangan natrium. Natrium berlebihan mengakibatkan ketakmampuan ginjal dalam keluarkan natrium hingga mengganggu aliran darah serta berbuntut pada hipertensi, tutur Ali. Tetapi, lebih Ali, hipertensi bukan sekedar berlangsung lantaran umumnya natrium, juga lantaran rusaknya ginjal serta kegemukan. Jadi penyembuhannya mesti menyeluruh, bukan sekedar diet garam namun juga check serta pulihkan ginjal sertaatasi kegemukannya, katanya. Terkecuali ada dalam anggur, kalium banyak juga ada pada semangka, pisang serta mentimun. Berapakah banyak konsumsi anggur? Dasarnya, setiap hari kita harus makan buah 2 jumlah serta beragam setiap hari. Untuk anggur, 1 jumlah setara dengan 6-8 buah anggur. Tak perlu setiap hari. Setiap hari makan tak dilarang, namun anggur mahal kan? tuturnya.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Makan Banyak serta Kerap, Mengapa Berat Tubuh Susah Naik?

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Makan Banyak serta Kerap, Mengapa Berat Tubuh Susah Naik?


Jakarta, Saya ingin bertanya, mengapa saya makannya banyak serta kerap namun berat tubuh saya tak naik-naik? Terlebih saya cepat laparnya. Apa ini cacingan? Namun saya telah minum obat cacing tak ada dampaknya. Mohon resepnya agar dapat naik berat tubuh saya sampai berat yang ideal. Ryan Charies (Pria lajang, 17 th.) axe. XXXX@gmail. comTinggi tubuh 172 cm, berat tubuh 49 kg Jawaban Halo Ryan, Terdapat banyak aspek yang butuh kita cermati untuk menjawab pertanyaan anda : - Umur perkembangan hingga berlangsung penambahan keperluan kalori, daya, nutrisi. Lantaran berat tubuh yang kurang, otak dapat berasumsi perlu makan semakin banyak serta kerap jadi cepat lapar. - Makan banyak serta kerap juga pantas di perhatikan type makanannya. Tentukan makanan yang padat daya, kalori serta nutrisi daripada makanan yang kosong nutrisi (seperti chips, gorengan, kue, permen, sirup). Makanan yang memiliki nutrisi serta tinggi kalori : Karbohidrat : nasi (putih & merah), roti gandum & wholegrain, oats, barleyProtein : daging merah tanpa ada lemak/kulit, ayam tanpa ada lemak/kulit, ikan, telur, kacang-kacangan (kacang tanah, almond, walnut dan lain-lain), biji-bijian (biji kwaci, bunga matahari, dan lain-lain), susu (susu full cream/susu penambah berat tubuh). Kompliti dengan sayur serta buah setiap harinya untuk suplai vitamin serta mineral. Yakinkan tiap-tiap makan ada karbohidrat & proteinnya, walau cuma untuk snacking. Contoh snacking : susu, yoghurt, keju, segenggam kacang, energy barObat cacing adalah bentuk mencegah jangan pernah cacingan untuk beberapa orang yg tidak tinggal di lingkungan yang kumuh, jadi mungkin saja saja tak ada dampaknya lantaran tak cacingan. Anjuran saya sehari-hari menanamkan kepercayaan pada sendiri dengan berkata dalam hati : 'saya bakal dapat memberi berat tubuh saya. Saya ingin serta bakal jadi sehat' terlebih sebelumnya makan. Leona Victoria Djajadi MNDMaster of Nutrition and Dietetics (Pakar Gizi) dari University of Sydney. Dengan ketertarikan spesial pada program diet untuk oncology, cardiology, diabetes, gastrointestinal and life modification program diets. Follow twitter @Leona_victoria. (hrn/vit)


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Diet Pas untuk Singkirkan Nyeri Leher

Diet Pas untuk Singkirkan Nyeri Leher  
    Jakarta Nyeri yang kerap mengintai persendian seperti leher  pinggang kaki tangan serta sisi yang lain bisa diredakan dengan kesibukan fisik spesial sampai therapy. 
Tetapi pada nyeri leher bisa diakukan dengan melindungi pola makan serta lakukan diet pas untuk kurangi rasa sakit atau peradangan sendi. Seperti diambil dari laman Everyday Health   ditulis Senin (8/8/2016) diet paling baik untuk bantu redakan nyeri leher yaitu dengan kurangi type makanan yang tinggi bakal asam arakidonat atau asam lemak esensial.       
Baca Juga  
6 Makanan Pelawan Rasa Kembung serta Peradangan  
Langkah Kurangi Nyeri pada Payudara    
Keunggulan Protein Dapat Pacu Kegemukan
Terkecuali asam arakidonat   makanan yang tinggi bakal lemak jemu dalam daging serta product susu juga butuh dijauhi. Sebab senyawa itu bakal memblokir badan untuk merespon sistem inflamasi.  
Untuk kurangi peradangan juga penting untuk kurangi konsumsi daging serta product susu tinggi lemak seperti mentega serta cream. Ubahlah dengan menu diet harian yang tinggi bakal protein seperti ikan      kacang   atau biji-bijian.   
Diluar itu juga penting untuk hentikan mengkonsumsi minuman beralkohol yang bisa sebabkan tulang kehilangan kalsium serta magnesium dalam urin yang berimbas jelek pada nyeri leher.

Saturday, October 15, 2016

Family Relationship Problem with Jessica, this father said Mirna

Family Relationship Problem with Jessica, this father said Mirna
 Dharmawan Salihin, father Wayan Mirna Salihin (27 years), mentions his relationship with Jessica Kumala Wongso family, the suspects in the death of her daughter, like an enemy. That he expressed because it has never been approached by the family of Jessica.
Jessica's relationship with relatives? Yes enemy time. People she baseball ever nemuin, said Darmawan told reporters at the Metro Jaya Police Headquarters, Tuesday, February 9, 2016.
Currently, Darmawan said, could only be handed over legal proceedings Kepolisian.Tunggu death of his son to the police officer, yes, he said.
Related scheduled to report one of the lawyers Jessica, Yudi Wibowo Sukito, to the police for allegedly defamatory, it claimed all still in process.
Wait for the D day. He said again in Surabaya, contaminated-person. Later dong yes, said Darmawan.
As is known, the police named as suspects Wongso Kumala Jessica murder case Wayan Mirna Salihin. Mirna died after drinking coffee in a cafe Olivier, Grand Indonesia, January 6, 2016. Police found cyanide in coffee drunk in miRNA.

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How to Shrink Stomach Buncit Quickly And Easily

How to Shrink Stomach Buncit Quickly And Easily

How to shrink the bloated stomach which was not to sit up, but to burn fat first. Because the practice crunches do not burn fat at all. Sit up aims to establish tighter abdominal muscles and six pack.

Sit-up exercise is suitable for you who already have a flat stomach. For those of you who still have belly fat, should avoid the practice. Because no matter how hard the exercise you do will have no impact at all.

How to Shrink Stomach

So practice what is suitable to shrink the bloated stomach? How simple, yet maximum is cardio exercise. This exercise can burn fat in the abdominal area little by little, until the stomach look flat. Here are some cardio exercises that you can try:


A quick walk can burn fat and shrink the bloated stomach. For those of you who can not do a brisk walk outdoors, can do on a treadmill.


Such as brisk walking, running can be done outside or inside the room by using a treadmill. This exercise works to shrink the stomach and lose weight. If you get bored in the room, it can invite friends to jongging around the area of ​​the house or looking for a more challenging tracks.


Cycling can be done indoors using a stationary bike. If you want to breathe fresh air, then the outdoor cycling is the best option.

Besides being able to burn fat, swim can also build muscle and ideal body shape. For example, you can see the professional swimmers, they have a good body shape and proportion.

Fix Diet

In addition to cardio exercise, maintain your diet is also very important. Fat is burned to be more than that enter the body. Limit high-fat source and fried foods such as chips, snacks and other snacks. Replace the source of carbohydrate with complex carbohydrate like brown rice or oatmeal, minuam least eight glasses of mineral water every day and multiply also consume vegetables and fruit.

Advanced stages Shrink Stomach

If your belly fat start to erode and see the changes after doing cardio exercises, then it's time to start shaping the stomach to be more beautiful. But do not rush to the movement of sit ups. Make multijoint movements like squats or pull up the stomach muscles is more effective than isolation movements like sit-ups. In addition you can also do the bicycle crunch.


bicycle Crunch

pull up

Consistent and hard work is a fixed price, because if lazing then you will not get the desired results. Remember, there is no instant way and express to shrink the stomach. All you have to do is do a program in earnest and changing lifestyle to become healthier.