Saturday, October 15, 2016

How to Shrink Stomach Buncit Quickly And Easily

How to Shrink Stomach Buncit Quickly And Easily

How to shrink the bloated stomach which was not to sit up, but to burn fat first. Because the practice crunches do not burn fat at all. Sit up aims to establish tighter abdominal muscles and six pack.

Sit-up exercise is suitable for you who already have a flat stomach. For those of you who still have belly fat, should avoid the practice. Because no matter how hard the exercise you do will have no impact at all.

How to Shrink Stomach

So practice what is suitable to shrink the bloated stomach? How simple, yet maximum is cardio exercise. This exercise can burn fat in the abdominal area little by little, until the stomach look flat. Here are some cardio exercises that you can try:


A quick walk can burn fat and shrink the bloated stomach. For those of you who can not do a brisk walk outdoors, can do on a treadmill.


Such as brisk walking, running can be done outside or inside the room by using a treadmill. This exercise works to shrink the stomach and lose weight. If you get bored in the room, it can invite friends to jongging around the area of ​​the house or looking for a more challenging tracks.


Cycling can be done indoors using a stationary bike. If you want to breathe fresh air, then the outdoor cycling is the best option.

Besides being able to burn fat, swim can also build muscle and ideal body shape. For example, you can see the professional swimmers, they have a good body shape and proportion.

Fix Diet

In addition to cardio exercise, maintain your diet is also very important. Fat is burned to be more than that enter the body. Limit high-fat source and fried foods such as chips, snacks and other snacks. Replace the source of carbohydrate with complex carbohydrate like brown rice or oatmeal, minuam least eight glasses of mineral water every day and multiply also consume vegetables and fruit.

Advanced stages Shrink Stomach

If your belly fat start to erode and see the changes after doing cardio exercises, then it's time to start shaping the stomach to be more beautiful. But do not rush to the movement of sit ups. Make multijoint movements like squats or pull up the stomach muscles is more effective than isolation movements like sit-ups. In addition you can also do the bicycle crunch.


bicycle Crunch

pull up

Consistent and hard work is a fixed price, because if lazing then you will not get the desired results. Remember, there is no instant way and express to shrink the stomach. All you have to do is do a program in earnest and changing lifestyle to become healthier.

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